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The house system is a traditional feature of schools. School is divided into subunits called ‘houses’ and each student is allocated to one house in the moment of the enrolment. Houses may compete with one another at sports and maybe in other ways, thus providing a focus for group loyalty.
A secondary feature of house systems is the competition between houses. For example, the traditional school sports day is usually an inter-house competition. Debating competitions and charity drives are also often organized along inter-house lines. Merit points for behavior and academic achievement may also be totaled up for comparison between houses.
Total students are divided into four houses:
The names of the houses signify for students to work in sprit of excellence.
- Encounter (Red)- Always strive forward! Encounter everyday challenges!
- Endeavour (Blue)- To the stars, through endeavor! Move Higher!
- Endurance (Green)- Head up, heart open! Through endurance, we conquer!
- Enterprise (Yellow)- Lead by example! Our footprints leave the tails!