1. Parents are requested to closely monitor their child’s progress by paying attention to their punctuality, discipline, School assignments, and circulars. Please check the almanac/WhatsApp of your ward every day for homework or any other instructions, if given.
2. Please ensure that children are regular and punctual to the school.
3. Parents are not expected to ask for the child's leave on working days, particularly to attend functions and to go on pleasure trips.
4. Check the haircut, identity card, and general hygiene and health (fitness) before sending the child to school.
5. Please inform the school in writing if there is any change in your address, telephone number, bus route, learner's doctor, or transfer of the father or mother along with documentary evidence(s).
6. Please deposit the school dues on time.
7. Due to safety and security concerns, students will not be allowed to enter the school premises 15 minutes prior to the stipulated school timings or stay any longer than 15 minutes after the dispersal. The parents should make their arrangements accordingly. Outside the school gates/premises, it is the parent's responsibility for the safety of their wards.
8. The school uniform is compulsory on all working days. Learners should come to school in neat, clean, and proper school uniforms. All boys (except Sikhs) must keep their hair short, and the girls must tie their hair neatly with a hairband as per the color of the uniform.
9. Please provide a positive environment for your child at home, using discretion and parental judgment, keep track of your child's emotional quotient and value system, which is even more important than the intelligence quotient.
10. It is always advisable to write/speak to the school about the concerns regarding your ward to seek guidance.
11. Parents are requested to meet the subject/class teachers after seeking a prior appointment with the class teacher.
12. Leave for half-day or short periods may not be approved for security reasons. Parents are advised to avoid such requests.
13. On birthdays, children are allowed to distribute only toffees and chocolates of a good brand and no other expensive items/gifts to their classmates. The seeds of simplicity and minimalism should be sown right from childhood.
14. Students have to be in their House T-Shirts on days assigned.
15. Students from Grade III onwards should come in school uniform on their birthdays too.
16. The school requires a minimum of 10 working days from the date of receipt of any request/application from parents to process it.