Dear Parents,
GREENFIELDS PUBLIC SCHOOL CHANDER NAGAR fraternity welcomes you to be a part of the prestigious GFPS family. We are sure your ward will enjoy the warmth and sagacity throughout his/her stay in the school. We would like to mention here some important points, which are required to be complied with:-
- Parents have to ensure that their ward(s) come to school in proper school uniform as prescribed by the school.
- Late arrival to school is not allowed, defaulting students will not be allowed to attend the school for that day as it hampers the discipline & decorum of the school.
- The Parents' Identity Card must always be brought and produced at the school gate whenever any parent visits the school for any purpose. The security guards/staff will allow the parents/authorized guardians inside the school gates only when they are shown the parent/authorized guardian I-Card.
- Due to safety and security reasons, students will not be allowed to enter the school premises 15 minutes prior to the stipulated school timings or stay any longer than 15 minutes after the dispersal. Parents are advised to make their arrangements accordingly. Outside the school gates/premises, it is the parent's responsibility to ensure the safety of their ward(s).
- While picking up student(s) from the school, the parents/guardian are required to show/produce the I-Cards issued by the school authorities to the security guards/staff, and in case any other member of the family desires to pick a student from the school, he/she will also be required to show/produce I-Card issued by the school authorities having his/her photo or an authorization letter on behalf of the parent of the concerned student(s).
- All reasonable safety precautions are followed by the school, and the school authorities are very cautious about the safety and welfare of students. However, the school authorities/management will not be responsible for any unforeseen eventualities whatsoever while taking part in any curricular, co-curricular, or extracurricular activities/or while taking part in games and sports/or during traveling or excursions, outings, picnics, camps/or during any other normal activities/or by contracting any illness or disease(s) inside or outside the school premises.
- Students' involvement in acts of indiscipline, physical, mental, or emotional violence, or use of abusive/foul language will not be acceptable at all leading to suspension or rustication from the school without notice. The decision of the school authorities shall be final and binding in this regard.
- The rules and regulations printed in the school website and almanac can be modified at any point of time, at the sole discretion of the school management.
- All photographs, videos, or publications of the students of GFPS produced/clicked during school activities- curricular, extracurricular, or co-curricular shall be the school's intellectual property and the school shall have all rights to use them in the school's publications and promotions, etc. The parents shall have no claim whatsoever on such articles.
- The school will require a minimum period of 7 working days from the date of receipt of any request/application from the parent(s) so as to process the same.
- In case of any dispute(s), the arbitrator and courts at Ghaziabad shall have the jurisdiction.
- Please intimate the school authorities in writing in case of any changes in your residential address, telephone nos., etc. with a photocopy of the proof of residence duly self-attested so as to avoid any communication gap in case of an emergency that may happen during school hours.
- Please intimate in writing the loss/damage of Students'/ Parents' Identity Card immediately along with its cost for issuing a duplicate one.
- During school hours, parents will not be allowed to roam inside the school premises. Kindly adhere to all the safety norms and checks put in place by the school security staff.
- For fruitful collaboration, please make it a point to attend all the PEMs and other meetings whenever called for. As a respectable equal partner in your child's education, parents are expected to visit the school, dressed up formally and smartly & participate in all activities of the school, wholeheartedly. Your suggestions & inputs are always welcome.
- Being cultured and well-mannered holds the place of prime importance in the GFPS Philosophy. Please be our true partners in ensuring that your ward is always courteous and respectful towards elders, caring and loving towards juniors, and empathetic/sensitive towards all.
We wish your ward a meaningful, enriching, and enjoyable stay with GFPS, and look forward to a purposeful partnership with you as our school parent, the esteemed member of our GFPS-Community.